Commemorating My Sister's Soul Departure

A Celtic Cross - In Memoriam, My Sister Mary Lee


My sister Mary Lee died on November 15, 2019. She had been in declining health for many years, with pain and immobility increasing rapidly during the last two. Lee never did a thing to deserve the torment. Just the opposite is true: she deserved many gifts for her kindness and caring, especially for the countless animals she rescued, lovingly nurtured, and often adopted. Doesn't it always seem that the good and innocent people reap woe while the evil ones keep reveling in the sun?

Part of me wonders if it is a spiritual precept. Could it be that the good souls are learning our lessons here, "paying the price" you might say, and in return scoring higher points in heaven? Do damaged souls enjoy their success and creature comforts here and pay later? I've read over and over that our souls are here to learn and grow with the purpose of achieving higher development. My sister was a kind, innocent, humble and giving person. Physically she suffered constant pain; mentally she suffered from living in a body that was uncontrollably falling apart around her. Of one thing I am certain:  rewards are hers in heaven and she was greeted with joy by our ancestors. I hope Lee will be the one to greet me when my soul flees the body I’m carting around for this Earth rodeo show.


The Celtic Cross. This excerpt from says it all: “‘The symbolism of the Celtic cross is indicative of the human desire to know and experience the unfolding mystery of life. The arms of the cross offer four ways to ascension, an invitation to objectively know nature, wisdom, god/goddess, and the self.’ The circle around the intersection of the cross represents unification, totality, wholeness and inclusion. In the mid-19th century, a Celtic revival led to an increased use of the ringed cross in Ireland, and the Celtic Cross became not only a religious symbol but an emblem of Celtic identity.”

Primary stones:
Green aventurine (heart, center) is in tune with the green energy of the heart chakra. It is called the Stone of Opportunity, an aid to provide one with the energy to move forward in confidence. I selected it in memory of Lee’s green eyes and because it is so cooling and soothing for a heart in mourning. Aventurine is a quartz crystal with mica inclusions; polished specimens may have some glimmer. The green variety gets its color from fuchsite particles.

Petrified wood. I like to use this in family oriented grids because it is highly regarded as an ancestral healing tool. It feels light yet grounding, and fills my heart with earth goddess energy. Lee was a nature enthusiast and it feels right to add earth and tree elements to her grid. Universally, everyone who contacted me to express condolences said, "I will miss being able to call her and ask what bird or plant did I just see?"

I have blogged about Lemurian seed before. I previously charged this Lemurian point, at center bottom, with continuous distance Reiki during Lee’s illness. At that time she would not accept Reiki, but toward the end she requested healing energy. In fact, our final words occurred during her last Reiki session, at which time she was still aware. Forever after this stone will be dedicated to her.

The two lavender hued crystals beneath the heart are lithium points, another crystal I incorporate often. Of note: at the very top of the cross is a wee polished lithium generator with a phantom in it. I can’t think of anything more appropriate to top off a Celtic cross. (Phantom? When a crystal forms over a preexisting crystal, resulting in an inner "ghost.") (Generator? A crystal with six equal sides tapering to a point, used as a battery of sorts to charge other crystals and grids.) This close up shows the inner phantom in better detail.

List of stones, bottom to top:

  • Emerald chips
  • Lemurian seed with red hematoid points left and right
  • Angelite angel symbolizing prayers from her loved ones on Earth
  • Petrified wood and lithium points
  • Aventurine heart
  • Petrified wood and mini aventurine generator
  • The halo or “sun” is comprised of hematite tumbled stones and noble shungite chips
In closing:  My sister wanted us to sing this song at our mother's funeral, but the Catholic priest forbade her "because it is a drinking song."  Here's to you, Sissy / Lee

The Parting Glass
Oh all the money that e'er I spent
I spent it in good company
And all the harm that e'er I've done
Alas, it was to none but me
And all I've done for want of wit
To memory now I can't recall
So fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be with you all

Oh all the comrades that e'er I've had
Are sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that e'er I've had
Would wish me one more day to stay
But since it falls unto my lot
That I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and I'll softly call
Good night and joy be with you all
Good night and joy be with you all


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