
Showing posts from October, 2019

Hallowed Eve - The Raven

Welcome Hallowe'en! At this time Irish Celts celebrated Samhain, the end of summer and ushering in of the dark days. It is said that the veil between Earth and the spirit realm is thin during Samhain, permitting spirits to travel with ease between the two. As the Irish were converted to Catholicism, Pope Gregory designated November 1 as All Saints Day to thwart the observance of Samhain. I learned in Catholic School that Hallowe'en is derived from All Hallowed Eve, the day before the Christian holy day of saints. Pope Gregory realigned all of the Christian holy days with the pagan festivals in his quest to stamp them out, but fortunately many of the ancient rituals have carried forward in a lighthearted manner for us to enjoy. The base of this grid is the Celtic Triple Crescent Moon . In the Wiccan belief, the three moons represent the stages of womanhood: maiden, mother and crone.   From the Celtic point of view, the three moons represent the Fates: birth, life and death

CBD Trial - Two Weeks Out

CBD Trial: Week Two Report It has been two weeks since my CBD self study commenced. ( CBD Oil - Hype or Hope? ) I've religiously taken a dropper every morning and evening with 10 mg. CBD per dose, while continuing to parse through an overwhelming amount of information on the web. I found a seemingly credible resource, the CBD Oil Awareness Project, with information on the science of how it works.  CBD affects our bodies because, in addition to our circulatory system, etc., we have an endocannabinoid system .  Wait a minute - what?  I never heard of an endocannabinoid system and I bet you haven't either.  The CBD Awareness Project ( ) explains: "The endocannabinoid system is responsible for maintaining your body in a state of optimal homeostasis. In other words, the ECS works to keep your body in a stable condition where everything is working at its best, despite what might be going on outside you.  For example, your ECS aims to keep your heart rate stead

CBD Oil - Hype or Hope?

HYPE OR HOPE - A Personal Study What's the hype? By now we've all heard of CBD oil and its many touted benefits. To be clear, CBD is not THC and will not get you high. Here is a better explanation:    CBD Oil Review Background I keep hearing that CBD is a panacea for everything from insomnia to chronic inflammation. I am on a quest for something natural to help my husband, whose osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia pain are destroying his quality of life. His doctors have tried several meds, all  of which caused adverse reactions. I have some creaky joints of my own, plus stress, so investigating a purported one-stop magic bullet seems logical. At the organic co-op last year I noticed sealed pouches of a CBD product by Extract Equilibrium (EEQ) * and decided to try it out. The price was steep for my pocketbook, $40 for a tiny bottle. The checkout lady mentioned that many people were reporting success with it; in fact, some folks were mixing it in their dog's

Book Review - 10 Messages Your Angels Want You to Know by Doreen Virtue

Book Review - 10 Messages Your Angels Want You to Know My first Doreen Virtue book is  Crystal Therapy: How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy .  I very much  I enjoy that book and wanted to read more of her material, opting for 10 Angels because it was available in the library.   Hmmm ... it is confusing. This book is ostensibly a "transcript" of messages the angels have provided for Ms. Virtue to pass along to us. In some ways the book is helpful; in other ways, it gets blurry. The theories of who / what God is, our connection with God, the angels, archangels and ascended masters, are synopsized in a useful fashion.   I benefited from the recitation that we have two paths - we can choose the "Path of God," doing things with love and with pureness of heart; or the "Path of Fear," acting out of ego. I am taking away a better understanding of how reacting straight from the hip in ego-driven ways can be harmful, so in that respect the