Beach Grid (catching up series) - 10/19/2018

The collection grows piece by piece!  I was motivated to make this grid while walking at the beach on a beautiful October day.   Near a small fishing pier another grid fan left a little design made of beach stones and broken shell pieces.  I liked the naturalness of it, and smiled at the impromptu pleasure it had generated for the builder.  I wonder what the artist thought as he or she walked away (I'm pretty sure it was a she, and of a young age).  

While continuing my walk I stopped to collect a few weathered beach rocks, shells, some beach rose petals and two gull feathers.  Here is the result.  I had recently acquired the amethyst cones, and at the top is a Himalayan quartz.  From my original collection, once again the two peridot chips, the green calcite and the rhodocrosite chips are featured.

The background is a table place mat.

I had no strong intentions for this grid other than to commemorate a walk at the shore on a beautiful autumn day.  I can feel the breeze and smell the ocean while looking at it.  It taught me a lesson - grids made with feathers and rose petals do not fare well when left near open windows!

I love the multi-directional shape of this quartz.  It is clear yet earthy at the same time.  It is supposed to be a gently energizing crystal that stimulates the imagination.  I get a clear feeling from it and it makes me smile when near it.  


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