A 2020 Presidential Election Reading
I'm not new to Tarot but am new at attempting to be a serious student of the Tarot. This summer I began learning and logging notes by drawing a "card of the day," and occasionally a three card spread. I fell off the practice after having some particularly good messages out of fear that meant bad news was surely around the corner.
Tuesday morning I had the urge to try a three card spread representing past, present, and future. I asked for a sign on how the presidential election will turn out - specifically, will Trump remain in office? Here are the cards I pulled:
- Past = Two of Pentacles
- Present = The Chariot
- Future = Page of Pentacles
I draw Two of Swords a lot! I've learned she stands for impasse, inertia, indecision; the crags and rocks serve as obstacles and the stalling of progress.
The Chariot is a new draw. According to YouTube's Contemporary Tarot, The Chariot represents action and is the "car of the Tarot." It represents a shift in direction, moving forward with focus, progress, and/or a launching.
Page of Pentacles is also new. I haven't drawn many Pages, but from prior study I know the Pentacles represent earth energy, sustenance and solid foundations. The Pages, according to incandescenttarot.com, represent youth, vitality, learning and focus. The Page of Pentacles "ties the eagerness of the Pages to the practical world." According to Contemporary Tarot, the Page of Pentacles means learning, growth and self-improvement; "someone young is coming to you with a new idea." My first thoughts upon seeing this card were of calmness, youth and intelligence.*
So. Not to get overexcited, because anything can happen between now and November 3, 2020, and God knows how long afterward with legal battles over who is the winningest ... but here goes my interpretation.
Two of Swords. We've been, and are presently, in a rocky place that's difficult to navigate. In my mind the blindfold and two swords the woman is struggling to balance symbolize the Scales of Justice and the recent death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Progress is certainly stalled, no one need read a Tarot card to get that message. And many are blindfolded as to what's really happening.
The Chariot. Interesting ... and a little scary. At first glance I feared it might mean Trump continues to "drive the bus," but after reading some interpretations I feel comforted that The Chariot may be driving us in a new direction. Launch, focus and progress are words that sound very good right about now. Are we presently moving toward a new path? Please tell me? Can I hope? The black and white sphinxes represent opposing forces the charioteer is controlling, the crescent moon symbolizes spiritual guidance, and his crown represents enlightenment and pure will (Labrynthos). This chariot can't possibly be driven by Trump but let's face it, it's rather a little too noble for Biden to drive, either. Hopefully it indicates a more righteous path whoever the driver.
Page of Pentacles. Dare we even hope for studiousness and intelligence at this point? I don't see someone young-ish coming to us here unless it is the potential Vice President. On the other hand, this Page could represent the possibility of some new ideas, vitality and focus that we sorely need. Perhaps this Page is telling me that we will see the return of environmentally protective and proactive legislation.
My hopes may be up too high, but I've tried interpreting this spread toward a win from the Trump camp and I'm not seeing it. We'll find out in a few weeks. God Bless America.
*Future reference - I see Page of Pentacles representing my son in future readings.
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