The Wisdom of the Hermit


I’ve had a situation at work.  Nothing terribly serious -- one of those nagging issues that cropped up a few months ago, gets pushed aside, but every so often it pokes its devilish head out from behind doors.  You could call it a procedural flub, a situation that hasn’t completed its Point A to Point Z transition but got stuck bouncing between Points K and L.  While it vibrated silently in a corner it kept gathering frustration, like a tick that’s been lodged behind a knee and suddenly it is revealed in its glory, sucking up energy.  

A meeting was arranged with the boss to finally pull the tick out and expose its underbelly.  I meditated last night and asked for some guidance and a sign on how the meeting would go.  During meditation I asked my mind to retreat from defensive, fight or flight thoughts.  Then I shuffled the deck and pulled ...

The Hermit
This is my third card-of-the-day pull since beginning to reflect on personal impressions rather than book interpretations.  The Hermit can look forlorn or imposing, but I saw many positive signs:
  • His Appearance:  The boss I would be meeting with is a senior lawyer with white hair.  He is a wise, contemplative and non-reactionary man, which I see in The Hermit’s physical appearance and posture. 
  • The lantern:  "The boss” is holding up a light to investigate and diffuse the problem.  I interpret the light as a purifying.  
  • The staff:  I see a walking stick with which my boss will lead us down the right path.
  • Background:  Unlike most cards, this one has a plain, monotone theme rather than bright colors.  This tells me the discussion will be uneventful.  
  • The Cloak:  Reminds me of a judge’s robe.  Curiously, as I meditate on the card I see The Hermit morph into Blind Justice, and I am comforted. 
This morning at work I retraced the situation, made some crib notes and felt calmly prepared.  All went well, and the problem turned out to be a big nothing, but it was good to talk it over factually under the lamp of wisdom.  In fact, our discussion branched out to a few different matters that were wrapped up nice and neatly. 


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