A grid for surgical recovery (January 2019)
Foot Surgery Grid At the helm of 2019 I had foot surgery and supplemented traditional/western medicine with therapeutic energy. I was still a little skeptical of distance Reiki, but my beautiful celestite cluster was transforming those hesitations. When I meditated with celestite, my plodding earth-bound Taurus constitution suddenly felt light and connected with the universe. My mind sensed clear blue sky and fresh breezes, and my heart opened. This first celestite crystal gave me the channel to access energy outside my aura. Where we fell in love - Mystical Horizons Settling in at home with Celestite It's funny how things happen like that. Late in the fall of 2018 I came upon this beautiful piece, and the month before my surgery Reiki Magazine featured an article written by a woman who used Reiki for her foot surgery. Well! In advance of the surgery she sent Reiki to the operating room, to the doctor and to the att...