Home for the COVID-Days
Holiday time is upon us and I 've been observing the dark days most mornings. Yogis and Taoists view these months as the yin time, the tamasic phase of the meteorological calendar. This year is especially dark, just name your mix of dark - COVID, the election, isolation, fear, or - ?? M y morning meditation has been a struggle and I've drifted off the path. I had been trying to force it, but attempting to force meditation is fruitless. Last week I got the message to just sit . Close eyes, listen to the noises go by, think the thoughts my brain insists on thinking. Sit. After a few mornings the urge to pull out my pendulum arose and again I received a message - don't ask questions of the pendulum, don't make it work. Just hold it and observe. So I close my eyes and simply feel the movement, if any. I open my eyes and watch the pendulum tremble or sway over my upturned palm in whatever direction energy mov...